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NEXOS supports the fourth European Robotics Hackathon - EnRicH 2023 -

The fourth European Robotics Hackathon - EnRicH 2023 - will take place from June 12th, 2023, to June 16th, 2023, in Zwentendorf an der Donau. NEXOS.Group is proud to support this robotics showcase by providing T-shirts and caps for the organizing team.

From June 12th, 2023 to June 16th, 2023 the fourth European Robotics Hackathon - EnRicH 2023 - will take place in Zwentendorf an der Donau. Teams from all over Europe meet to test real scenarios in a "real" nuclear power plant and to test the performance of the robot systems used.

EnRicH 2023 is organized and carried out by the following authorities and organizations

  1.      Office for armaments and defense technology of the Federal Ministry of Defense, Austria
  2.      Energy supply Lower Austria
  3.      Fraunhofer FKIE, Germany
  4.      European Robotics

about the ENRICH2023

This robotics hackathon aims to bring together roboticists on the one hand and professionals and specialists in the field of RN (radiology and nuclear sciences) on the other. In order to give a better insight into possible robotic applications for radiological and nuclear tasks, the event will be accompanied by a research and development workshop. As with usual software hackathons, ENRICH will also include a competitive aspect where a jury will select the winning teams. However, our main goal is to promote the development of robotic solutions for the RN field. So if you are interested in an exciting event in a unique setting, you are cordially invited to attend!

about the NEXOS.Group

The NEXOS.Group deals with all types of robotics. With comprehensive know-how and experience in this area, the NEXOS.Group offers innovative solutions for companies in different sectors. From industrial robots to robotic solutions for the service sector, NEXOS supports companies in increasing their efficiency, improving productivity and opening up new possibilities through the use of robotic technologies. The NEXOS.Group works closely with its customers to understand individual requirements and to develop customized robotic solutions that meet specific needs.